The Adoption - December 17th, 1997
The next day at breakfast, we learned that the other group had some problems
the day before. Because of bad weather, the couple they were picking
up at the airport was rerouted to Shanghai. They waited at the airport
several hours before going on to the orphanage. The group was quite
upset at the delay, and their suggestions of renting a car to wait, or
another bus were ignored. After breakfast, we boarded our bus to
the Registrar's Office, the other group had appointments after ours.
The missing couple had to stay overnight in Shanghai and would fly in this
morning.When we arrived at the Registrar's office we were asked to wait in an
unused office that had a large black leather couch. The
was cold, and although we had Jiang Li bundled well, we still wrapped a
blanket around her to keep her warm. Each couple was called into the registrar's
office and asked to sit. The orphanage director was there, as well as one
of the nannies. The nanny offered to take Jiang Li, but she clung tightly
to Mama. The director laughed at this and said it was good. We had
a short interview, pressed our thumb prints on the paperwork, signed our
names with a fountain pen, then we were asked for the registrar's fees.
As we were finishing, the lost couple arrived at the Registrar's office
and went back to the hotel with us. The orphanage was bring their
baby to them today at the hotel.
We then went back to our hotel. In the afternoon, we were called into
our guide's room. The orphanage director was there to collect the donation
and give us the adoption certificate. We had gotten new bills and had split
the cash up into three bundles. The bills in each bundle were protected
by thin cardboard on the top and bottom and each was wrapped in a zip lock
bag. One bundle was our spending money, one was for the official
fees, the last was the orphanage donation. Ginger carried one bundle, I
carried the other two. I handed the bundle over to the director and he
counted the money - twice. He said something in Chinese and everyone
got very serious looks. I was just saying "What?" when our guide
said "not enough, not enough money. I reached into my money belt
again and pulled out the other bundle and started to count it. Again,
not enough! I then realized that some how, the bundle of money for
the orphanage had found its' way into Ginger's money belt. We got that
bundle out, counted it and gave it to the director. After I passed
it over, I made a big gesture of wiping my brow, and said "Wheeee!". Thankfully,
everyone laughed at my embarrassing mistake. Jiang Li's cold had gotten
worse this morning, and being in a cold bus and waiting in a cold office
had not helped. She had mucus crusted under her nose, and the nanny lifted
the cover of her tea to allow Jiang Li to breath the steam. The director
told us that Jiang Li needed to see a doctor, would we like him to arrange
it? We thanked him, and explained that we had a doctor in our group, and
that we had already started medicine for the cold. He also cautioned
us that Jiang Li eats everything and would not stop herself.
After the paperwork was complete, he gave us a Christmas card, a brochure
on the orphanage, a rubber stamp with Jiang Li's name and birth date, a
new baby memory book (printed in Chinese, but with western babies on the
cover), and carved statue of a rat.
We stayed the remainder of the day at the hotel, getting to know Jiang
Li, now our Amanda.